Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What does it mean to be an AMERICAN?

I know this is a Broad and General Subject. a lot will explain in terms of politics, culture,principle, belief. But most importantly they will mention about FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE and DEMOCRACY......

The reason why I asked this question is that there was a time where I almost made it to US. I know some people knew that I was referred for a House Keeping Job at the Pepper-mill and you know what that is. That Question pop into my head over and over again when ever I think about going there. Luckily, I failed twice.

*most Filipinos in the Past refer United States as an American Dream, Greener Pasture, your Future and stuff like that. there's a lot of them there actually..I have even watch some videos about Filipino Americans recording their own.* people still remembers their culture and language..but what about American Culture, Norms and stuff..

America or United States is a Place of different people, before it was all white.then black and white, then white, black, Asian, and Latino. It's more like a migrated country coming different people across the world.

Huh? That's no Different from the Philippines, the difference is that the Islands were Empty before the migration of different Ancestors coming from lands of Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and China.

Is it Loving for Freedom and Speech or being Patriotic to your country, or both??
Because just like the Philippines, America has a lot of CULTURES, but the difference is only with one language..ENGLISH (except in some states whee you can

But the Question remains added. If America is no longer a Economically, Militarily and Influentially powerful, What is being an American for you?
Would you Still Shout Freedom and Democracy??

I just can't Imagine the situation of United States and it's American people loosing influence through out the Globe.

I am upset when ever some of my people thinking that Philippines should have been a US Statethumbdown.It's not because I don't want a good future for our country.Where the hell was their patriotism/nationalism at least.

Americans did not wish to be a part of British again nor regret Independence when they are now suffering in their worst financial crisis and debt from the WARS they fought...

there has to be something about the United States besides greenier pasture, english, power and culture..To What defines an American besides Freedom and Democracy??

Some People thought before generally US and Americans are "WEIRD" but Maybe they are not digging that much. weird because it's what define the culture when i saw it in wikipedialol

I guess i could say that US and it's people are likely "Doing the Impossible"?
So, can they do the impossible of getting out of this debt???????????

*there was this discussion long ago i forgot the title, it's the usual about how to solve problems of US. I just open myself and said, stop expanding, recall all troops, close all us foreign bases.temporarily stop immigration, until all american citizens gets a job, then they can open up again, a lot were mad as hell..but some said i could been a president if that was my solution.meh! rasp*

who knows i could be wrong am no american. my relatives (A-citizens) are, but even they don't have a clue besides money, greener pasture and american dream.

thank you for reading

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